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Writer's picturePritha Maheswari

November Blues?

The November blues are very real. The gloomy darkness can trigger seasonal affective disorder (SAD) in some, causing a drop in mood and motivation. Break free and make the best of this month with these tips. 1. Go outside Try to spend at least 15 minutes outside each day – preferably while it’s still daylight. Going outside when it’s cold and grey can be easier when you have a companion to keep you accountable. The fresh air can help knock the cobwebs out of your mind, and having a friend to talk to can help too. 2. Phone a friend Staying indoors and avoiding unnecessary movement might feel right in the moment, but too much isolation can be bad for your overall health and wellness. Even if you’re introverted by nature, it can be healthy to socialize sometimes – especially when you’re feeling blue due to the weather. 3. Eat healthy Not only is cooking a hobby that is great for your mind, but also the end products can nourish your body. November is also the beginning of the cold and flu season, so it’s important to take in as many vitamins and nutrients as possible.

4. Practise self-care Yoga and meditation helps tremendously in overcoming November blues. Trust me! I've done all these, especially as a brown-skinned person who came from a sunny side-up island, living in the fall and autumn in The Netherlands took a huge toll for my mental health. The sudden decrease of sunlight hits me like a ton of brick much more in comparison to a light-skinned person. Like I mentioned, Yoga & Meditation helps :)

5. Look forward While you might not be feeling joyful – in fact, you might feel stressed just thinking about everything you have to do leading up to the holidays – it’s important to see the bright side. When you’re feeling blue in November, think about the fun parts of the upcoming holiday season that you’re looking forward to or book a weekend away. Changes of scenery and routine helps! If going away isn't possible for you right now, we many weekend special events at Mahé that you can book right now.

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