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What's On Our Minds
“We read to know we're not alone.”
― William Nicholson, Shadowlands

Een Yogi met Innerlijke Onrust?
In eerste instantie begon ik met lessen om mezelf uit de neerwaartse spiraal van een burn-out te trekken, die me zowel mentaal als fysiek...
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A Yogi with Inner Turmoil?
I started taking classes to pull myself out of the downward spiral of burnout, which had left me with both mental and physical struggles.
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Mentale Gezondheidsproblemen in Jullie Relatie: Omgaan met Stress, Depressie en Burn-out
Wanneer je partner te maken krijgt met mentale gezondheidsproblemen zoals stress, burn-out, of depressie, verandert niet alleen hun...
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From Stress to Beach: Tips for Couples on Vacation
Letting go of the hustle and bustle of home is often easier said than done.

My Journey with Amla Oil: A Tale of Hair Revival and Ayurvedic Wisdom
Living in the Netherlands, my hair went from fabulous to frizzy faster than you can say "bad hair day."
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Embrace Your Voice and Ignite Transformation
Today we embark on a transformative journey to delve into the intricate relationship between vocal skills and the throat chakra.

Yoga voor auto-immuunziekten
"Ik heb een auto-immuunziekte, kan ik Yoga beoefenen?" We hebben dit soort berichten ontvangen via Mahé Yoga Holistic Instagram DM....
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Yoga for Autoimmune Diseases
Autoimmune diseases are a group of chronic conditions where the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells in the body.

Do You Oil Your Belly Button?
If you were in one of my classes, you know I oil my belly button with Eucalyptus oil, and sometimes I also use other types of oil. But, why?
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November Blues?
The November blues are very real. The gloomy darkness can trigger seasonal affective disorder (SAD) in some, causing a drop in mood and...

Energy is Life
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing.
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Introduction to the Chakra System
Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning spinning wheel. These are a system of seven energy centers located along the spine.
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Pregnant? Can you still practice Yoga?
First of all, congratulations! How exciting!
Second of all, yes, yes, yes! You can still practice Yoga though there are a few things you ...
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Humming Bee Breathing
Bhramari word comes from Bhramara which means Humming Bee. Bhrama means bee.
In this pranayama, you'll make a humming sound with your vocal
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Stress Response and How Restorative Yoga Can Help
The fact that you are reading this article shows that you are suffering from work-life-related stress, maybe even have had burnout, or ...
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