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Project Period Ease
(in collaboration with Stichting Sociaal Culturele Activiteiten Zoetermeer)
Period poverty is a global problem, with millions of women and girls being held back and even endangered by not being able to afford basic menstrual care.
With 1 in 5 girls missing school due to lack of menstrual products, period poverty is an important, yet often ignored, public health crisis. “Period Poverty” refers to the widespread phenomena of being unable to afford products such as pads, tampons, or liners to manage menstrual bleeding. Instead of sanitary products, many people are forced to use items like rags, paper towels, toilet paper, or cardboard. Others ration sanitary products by using them for extended amounts of time. Period poverty encompasses not only this lack of access to products, but also inadequate access to toilets, hand washing containers, and hygienic waste management.
Read our latest article here.
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