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Workshop: Foundations of Meditation

Wed, Jun 01


Mahé Yoga

"The mind is like water. When it is turbulent, it becomes difficult to see. When it is calm, everything becomes clear."

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Workshop: Foundations of Meditation
Workshop: Foundations of Meditation

Time & Location

Jun 01, 2022, 7:15 PM – 9:15 PM GMT+2

Mahé Yoga, Newtonstraat 69, 2723 RL Zoetermeer, Netherlands

About the event

• In het Nederlands (for English, scroll down below) • 

In de hectische wereld waarin wij leven zijn er duizenden dingen op een dag die je aandacht vragen. Het kan een uitdaging zijn om kalm te blijven, focus te houden, geen stress te ervaren en dichtbij jezelf te blijven. Meditatie kan ons helpen om die kalmte en rust binnenin onszelf te vinden en ons meer bewust te maken van de gedachten en emoties die we ervaren. 

Tijdens deze workshop staan we stil bij:

- Wat is meditatie?

- Wat zijn de voordelen van meditatie?

- Hoe kan ik comfortabel (blijven) zitten tijdens een meditatie?

- We oefenen enkele verschillende meditatietechnieken; en

- We staan stil bij hoe je meditatie in je eigen leven kan toepassen 

Deze workshop is voor iedereen die kennis wil maken met meditatie of de kennis over mediatie en meditatietechnieken wil verdiepen. Het is niet belangrijk op welk niveau je yoga of meditatie beoefent. Meditatie staat centraal en de workshop is toegankelijk voor zowel beginners als meer gevorderden. Ook als je nog niet eerder gemediteerd hebt. 

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• In English • 

In the hectic world we live in, there are thousands of things during a day that demand your attention. It can be a challenge to remain calm, stay focused, to not experience any stress and stay true to yourself. Meditation can help us to find calmness and peace within ourselves and create awareness of the thoughts and emotions we experience. 

During the workshop we will focus on: 

 What is meditation?

- What are the benefits of meditation?

- How can I (continue to) sit comfortably during a meditation?

- We will practice different meditation techniques; and

- We will talk about how to apply meditation in your own life 

This workshop is for everyone who wants to learn (more) about meditation or wants to deepen their knowledge of meditation and meditation techniques. Your yoga or meditation level is not important. We will focus on meditation and the workshop is accessible for both beginners and more advanced practitioners. Also when you have never meditated before.   

•• This workshop will be given either in Dutch or in English, depending on who will attend this workshop. ••  

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1. Any cancellations made from your side, whatever the reasons are, as long as the cancellation is made minimum 2 hours (120 minutes) prior to the event, you will be able to get a refund in the form of class/event credit.

2. Should you cancel your attendance to this event in less than 2 hours (120 minutes), you will not receive any refunds. 

3. Any cancellations made from our side, Mahé Yoga, whatever the reasons are, you will be able to get a full refund, either in the form of class/event credit or directly into your bank account.

4. We need a minimum of 5 people to get this event started. Should we have less than this amount, we will cancel the event and send you a refund. You will receive an email from us whether this event will go through.   

We hope everything is clearly explained. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via this email: or whatsapp number: 0618215928.

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